One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own.
詞匯突破:coincidentally 碰巧
Revealing 發人深省
Fire pole 游樂場滑桿
Direct 要求
Caution 擔心
解析:The study is particularly revealing.這項研究發人深省。
with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 最后的介詞短語在翻譯的時候可以翻譯為一個句子:指導他們如何獨立完成任務。
參考譯文:一項恰巧關注游樂場滑桿的研究,尤其發人深省。這篇發表在《應用發展心理學雜志》(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)上的文章顯示,比起對兒子,父母更加擔心女兒玩滑桿會遇到危險,而且更傾向于幫助她們。但父母都要求兒子直面恐懼,指導他們如何靠自己完成這項挑戰。