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One American in three aged 65 or older uses networks, says a new report by the Pew Research Center, a think-tank. But it is the small surfers, not the silver ones, who are currently making waves. Facebook is examining ways to allow children under the age of 13 to use its service, with some form of parental supervision. If this happens—and Facebook stresses that it has not yet decided whether to go ahead—it would be a venture into uncharted territory.
Critics howl that young children lack the maturity to cope with social networks. They also worry that Facebook will find devious ways to make money from naive children, or, more likely, their parents.“We would be giving the keys to the chicken coop to the fox,”says Doug Fodeman of ChildrenOnline.org, a pressure group.
There is also the thorny question of how Facebook could comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act(COPPA)in America, which was designed to protect children under 13 as they use the internet. The law stipulates that online services with youngsters among their customers must obtain the consent of the children’s parents before collecting data from them. Parents also need to be able to review their children’s data and have these delete if they so wish. The onerous nature of these and other COPPA provisions explains why social networks have tended to shun the young. Facebook insists that you have to be 13 to use its service.
The snag is that children fib about their age. A study by Consumer Reports found that 5.6m children under 13 were using Facebook in America alone. Another survey of American parents found that adults often knew that their children were less than 13 when they joined Facebook. In many cases, the parents helped them to set up their accounts.
Regulators have noticed. Facebook’s current musings may reflects the fear that the firm will run into trouble if it does nothing. It already has slightly more robust privacy settings for children between the ages of 13 and 17. But it would need a far tighter regime for younger children, says Sarah Downey of Abine, an online consumer privacy company.
評論家大聲疾呼,稱低齡兒童缺乏足夠成熟的心智來應付社交網絡。同樣讓他們擔心的是,Facebook可能會絞盡腦汁從那些單純的小孩身上,或者他們的父母身上撈錢。壓力團體兒童在線的負責人Doug Fodeman稱,“這樣做可能是將孩子推向風險,引狼入室”。
相關部門的監管人員也了解到了該現象。Facebook目前的“沉默”可能也反映出他們害怕公司會因為不作為而惹來麻煩。該公司已經針對13~17歲之間兒童用戶的隱私設置做出了些許強化。但是來自阿拜恩網絡客戶隱私權利公司的Sarah Downey認為,針對低齡兒童用戶,Facebook還需要大大加強其現有的管理辦法。