[摘要] 2015考研考試將于12月27日舉行,為了避免考生在英語考試中遇到難題心情慌亂,影響后續的答題,小編整理了針對考研英語的2015考研英語考場答題“猜蒙”答題法,供大家參考,可行性可根據個人答題經驗來自行操作。

主要論述某種品質的重要作用,比如獨立能力(the ability of independence)適應環境(adaptation to the environment)、堅持(persistence)、創新(creativity/innovation)、勇氣/膽識(courage)等。這類主題既可單獨考,也可以融合到其他主題中做論據。(提示:英一和英二都要重視)
To begin with, “主題詞” should always play a significant role in our life and work. All of us are eager to be successful in whatever we do. In fact, only those who have the ability of主題詞 in doing enough to encounter challenges of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.
Furthermore, the 主題詞 also spirits the young people up, keeps them mentally vigorous and endows them the power of solving any problems in the way to the success. According to a report released recently by Chinese Institute for Educational Research, most successful entrepreneurs such as Ma Yun ascribe their achievement to some important traits, with 主題詞 being one of them.(提示:觀點1主題的重要性;觀點2編一個統計調查)
According to Theory of Need put forward by the famous modern psychologist Maslow, everyone has the need for love/self-esteem/self-actualization/success. It is out of dispute that主題詞as a key factor to our success both in study and work contributes greatly to this … (提示:馬斯洛需求理論可以通用在品質類的任何具體話題中。)
重點主題2:可持續發展(sustainable development)(節約、資源保護、低碳生活)(提示:英語一/二都可用)
Thrift, as is known to all, is considered one of the merits that we should have. It is this merit that helps to reduce the amount of time/money/space consumed in our daily life. A community with clear awareness of saving water/… is always praised as a highly civilized society and a good model for others to learn from. (提示:節約的意義)
Waste, as is known to all, is one of the poor habits we should not have. It is this habit that definitely results in the extravagance of natural resource/limited time/money. A community with vague or even no awareness of thrift is undoubtedly a lowly civilized society and is surely to be regarded as a negative case to learn a lesson from. The waste and extravagance have become increasingly serious in China. We can often encounter a scene where papers, bottles and cans are thrown away after use, food is wasted just because of poor taste, or clothes are discarded simply due to their old fashion. Not only do we squander things and money, but also we lose our sense of conservation. (提示:浪費的害處)
核心表達:節約:save, cherish, thrift(n.), conservation(n.); 浪費:waste, squander, extravagance(n.);emission of carbon碳排放;low carbon life低碳生活,carbon dioxide 二氧化碳,green economy 綠色經濟,the amount of carbon emission 碳排放量,water shortage 水資源短缺,green waste pick-ups 綠色垃圾回收
重點主題3:新通訊科技 VS. 傳統媒介
The advanced network technology has provided people with such convenient communication tools as BBS, Micro blogs, QQ, and e-mail, which will promote the spread/diffusion of false information or even rumors. So, each day a large number of messages through different means of information are sent. Some of them are real and valuable, and some of them false and misleading. Judged from this respect, to build up the ability of filter out the useful information is the key factor to enhance the effective process of information.
Overwhelmed by the ever-increasing knowledge, we cannot help considering how to choose the knowledge we really need and absorb it in as effective a manner as possible. The answer is, surely, to establish and specify the standards of the knowledge we seek for, search out the categories of information according to the standards, and make the judgment which categories are the needy ones before we go to details.
First of all, although cell phones really provide us with entertainment, relaxation and so on, excessive reliance on the cell phones weakens relationships by reducing and sometimes eliminating normal opportunities for talking, for communicating, which is so important in maintaining the healthy relationship between friends, family and so on. Thus, it will make people mentally farther and farther away from each other.
Next, undeniably, the cell phone gives us rich information/great convenience/instant communication/…, however, we can easily find the more we depend on …, the less able we become to acquire more information/greater convenience/deep communication independently. The excessive use of “cell phone” distorts the sense of time, and renders other experiences vague and curiously unreal.
immense information信息海洋,a great amount knowledge大量知識,rumor謠言,filter out篩選,make the judgment判斷;cell phone手機,micro blog微博,micro message微信,a crazy cell phone user手機控(提示:核心表達)
Our Chinese have carried on the social virtues, such as respecting and caring the old, helping each other, since ancient times, surely with主題詞 being one of them. So we, as a young generation who would determine our national development, are supposed and expected to carry on these distinguished traditions. But unfortunately, social morality of some people seems to be decaying. Such behaviors as picking flowers in public gardens, throwing garbage from the higher flats of tall buildings and readily damaging public utilities are becoming so common that they are often taken for granted.
The best way,in my opinion, is to enhance the education on ethic and moral. Parents and teachers should bear greater responsibility in educating our children how to behave properly in society. On the other hand, the media should strengthen the propaganda to remind people of the importance of good morality in society. Social moral standards should be highly advocated and made known to every citizen so that they can observe them voluntarily. 中心句
social/commercial morality社會/商業道德,social civilization社會文明,uncivilized behaviors不文明行為, morality decline/collapse道德倒退/喪失,mutual trust互相信任,the old and infirm年老體弱的人,the pregnant 懷孕的人,lack the awareness of缺少……的意識,litter casually隨意丟垃圾, spit吐痰,traditional virtue傳統美德,harmonious society和諧社會,damage public utilities破壞公共設施,promote propagandas on … 加強宣傳
solid economic foundation 穩固的經濟基礎,national economic power/strength國家經濟實力,policy guarantee政策保障,the quality of life生活品質,the improvement of living level生活水平提高,enrich people's life豐富生活,broaden our horizon開闊視野,enrich our knowledge of world cultures增長世界文化知識,promote understanding among different peoples促進不同民族的理解
The fast development in economy lays a hard financial basis for citizens to…
Economic development is the prerequisite and driving force for household consumption居民消費/employment就業/technological innovation技術創新/cultural prosperity文化繁榮/cultural exchange文化交流…
A considerable number of Chinese people can afford the once-deemed-expensive …
The important role played by …has been more and more realized by citizens in the current society. Undoubtedly, this increasing awareness contributes to the enlargement of …market.
Driven by their need to improve their quality of life, XX choose to … Apparently, by doing…, they can not only obtain the financial benefit but also the practical experience.
Quality is always considered as the most important determining factor to the sale. The improving quality and good evaluation of … attract an increasing number of buyers.
Our country makes efforts/spends no efforts to formulate some preferential policies to promote …, which encourages XX to make this choice.
The support and guidance of policies concerned are the integral part in national macro-control.
Science and technology are the primary productive forces and have been playing a key role in the national economy development.
Progress in science and technology has promoted economic and social progress greatly.
With the competition in our country becoming increasingly fierce and under the heavy pressure of … (eg. employment; living a better life; finding a gainful job), an increasing number of … try their utmost to meet the demand of …