[摘要] 以下為大家列出50句典型的“中式英語”,快來看看你的表達是否有誤吧!說一口不讓人取笑的地道英語吧!詳情請各位同學參看下文。

01. 有他這顆掃帚星,什么事情都辦不成。
[誤] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.
[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.
注:“掃帚星”是中國人對“慧星”(comet)的俗稱,因其后面象拖著的一條像掃帚一樣的長尾巴而得名。在中國古代,“掃帚星”被認為是災難的預兆,并被用來比喻不吉利的人或事;禍根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。英語的 comet 雖然沒有這層含義,但卻有一個對應的說法,即 jinx。 例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. “這輛汽車上有什么妨人的東西,總給我找麻煩”。
02. 蘿卜青菜,各有所愛。
[誤] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.
[正] Tastes differ.
注:Tastes differ/vary 是句英語諺語,除此以外,原句還可翻譯成 No dish suits all tastes 或 You can never make everyone happy 等。 總之,應采取意譯。
[誤] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.
[正] He never says uncle.
注:say (cry) uncle: to give up or in; to surrender; to admit defeat. Mainly used by boys, as when fighting。主要是男孩們打架時的用語,當一方想制服另一方時,就用命令的口氣說:“Say uncle!”這時,有的孩子為了表示不服輸,就是不說。后來,say uncle 就成了“服輸”的代名詞,而 not say uncle 就相當于“嘴硬”了。
[誤] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much.
[正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much.
注:中國人喜歡說“嘴甜”,但 honey-lipped 更符合英美人的語言習慣。
[誤] The student all dislike him because he often pats the teacher's ass.
[正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots.
注:以前在歐洲,臣民見到國王與王后往往要葡匐到在,親吻他們的靴子。后來,人們將 lick the boots 引申為“為了某種目的而討好某人”,它與漢語的“拍馬屁”含義一樣。在美國英語中,“拍馬屁”還有另一種說法,即 polish the apple,它典出以前的學生用擦亮的蘋果來討好老師。
[誤] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend.
[正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend.
注:break up with sb. 雖然表示“與某人分手了”,但并沒說明是誰先提出來的。而 dump 的原意指“傾倒垃圾”,用在這里則表示像倒垃圾一樣地甩掉。
[誤] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country.
[正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.
注:形容詞作為修飾語在漢語和英語中都很常用,但使用的先后次序卻有所不同。在英語中我們一般遵循“靠近原則”,即越能說明本質屬性的修飾詞越靠近它所修飾的名詞,當從這一點看不出區別時,就靠詞的長短來決定,短的在前,長的在后。原文中最能說明“國家”本質的定語是“社會主義的”,所以 socialist 要最靠近它所修飾的中心詞。
[誤] Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he's standing on. They never feel saisfied with what they've already got.
[正] Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel saisfied with what they've already got.
注:“這山望著那山高”是指人不滿足于現狀的心理,它在英語中已經有了現成的說法,即 the grass is greener on the other hill(他山的草更綠),因此我們借用即可,這樣既方便又更有利于與西方人溝通。
[誤] Chairman of the People's Republic of China
[正] President of the People's Republic of China
注:以前,我們一直將“主席”翻譯為 chairman,例如:great leader Chairman Mao(偉大領袖毛主席)。其實“主席”與 chairman并不等義,chairman 在英語中通常指會議或某一具體組織的負責人,它的權力和重要性不及中文的“主席”。這就是為什么1983年,在我國《憲法》的英譯單行本中開始使用 President一詞,并沿用至今。另外,國內仍有不少詞典把“班/級長(學校的)”譯為“class monitor”,這是“四人幫”時代的產物,那時的“班長”是專司監管學生的,所以譯作“monitor”。而“班長”的正確譯文應該是“class president”。
[誤] fight south and north
[正] fight north and south
注:在地理方位的表達習慣上,中英文有一定的區別。中國人習慣于先“東西”后“南北”,而且在涉及“南北”時,習慣于先說“南”,再說“北”,如:“南征北戰”、“南來北往”等。而英美人與此正好相反,如“江蘇在中國的東南部”英文是 Jiangsu is in the south-east of China, 而“新疆在中國的西北部”應譯為 Xinjiang is in the north-west of China。
[誤] The professor teaches badly.
[正] The professor is so terrible.
注:有人認為第二句的意思是“這個教授很可怕”,其實不然。英語中 terible 意思很靈活,例如:feel terrible 指身體“不舒服”;The food is terrible 則是說食物“難吃極了”。而第一句純屬中文式的表達。
[誤] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes our blood boil.
[正] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes us excited.
注:make one's blood boil 是指“激怒某人”,而非“使人激動”。英語中“使人激動”的說法除了 make one excited,還有較為口語化的 make one's spine tingle。
[誤] Don't listen to their babbling. Nothing of the sort.
[正] Don't be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort.
注:原文中的“聽”不能用 listen to 來表示,因為 listen to 指“聽”的動作,而原文中的“別聽”不是不讓他“聽”,而是勸告他“不要聽信”,因此,用 not be fooled by 才更達意。
[誤] Pepple around here all feel that he has affairs outside his own marriage.
[正] Pepple around here all feel that he is leading a double life.
注:affair 本身就指“私通”或“曖昧關系”,當然是“婚外”的事,所以 outside one's own marriage 無疑是多此一舉了。英語中“有婚外戀”的地道說法應該是 lead a double life。
[誤] Although other people never take her seriousy, she is the pearl on her father's hand at home.
[正] Although other people never take her seriousy, she is the apple of her father's eye at home.
注:中英文常用不同的喻體表明相同的喻義,“掌上明珠”與 the apple of one's eye 就是一個很好的例子。這種情況我們一般應尊重各國文化和習俗,翻譯時取目的語的固定說法,而不必直譯,這有助于將意思更有效地傳達給讀者。the apple of one's eye 源自圣經《舊約》,當時人們用 apple 指人的瞳孔。盡管瞳孔現在已經用 pupil 來表示,不再是 apple 了,但這一用法卻延續了下來。
[誤] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy worm!
[正] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy bones!
注:“懶蟲”并非真是一條蟲,只不過被用來形容人很懶惰罷了。英語里與之對應的說法是 lazy bones(懶骨頭)。注意,這里的bone 應以復數形式出現,也許是因為不會只有一根骨頭懶吧!
[誤] My only capital is diligence.
[正] My only means to success is diligence.
注:原文的“資本”是借喻,實際指“可以依靠并取得成功的手段”。而英語的 capital 指 money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business,并沒有中文那樣的引申意思。所以,這里的“資本”不能與 capital 畫等號。也有人用 advantage 來翻譯“資本”,雖然不盡意,但至少可以讓讀者理解。
[誤] This department store has set up a resting-place, much to the customers' appreciation.
[正] This department store has set up a lounge, much to the customers' appreciation.
注:英語的 resting-place 雖然有“休息處”的意思,但更經常的是用來指“墳墓”,即“最后安息之處”。因此,把公共場所的“休息處”譯為 resting-place 不很合適。也有人將它譯為 rest-room,但那更不妥當,因為英語中的 rest-room 是“廁所”的委婉說法,而“休息處”不是這個意思。
[誤] Everyone doubts that Tom is a spy.
[正] Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy.
注:doubt 作“懷疑”講,是“不相信”的意思;而 suspect 作“懷疑”講,是指“對…有所察覺”。第一句譯文犯了兩個錯誤:首先,doubt 不能接 that 從句,只有not doubt that 和 doubt if/whether;其次,它所表達的意思是“大家對湯姆是間諜這件事表示懷疑”,即“大家不相信湯姆是間諜”,與原文的意思恰好相反。
20. 我們倆關系最好,他經常來我這兒蹲飯吃。
[誤] We are best friends. He always comes here to have meals for free.
[正] We are best friends. He always comes here to bum meals off me.
注:第一句只表明“他常到我這兒來白吃白喝”,但朋友這間那種親密關系沒有體現出來。而 bum sth. off sb. 指向非常熟的朋友要一些不起眼的小東西,而朋友也不會介意還不還
[誤] The latest census shows that China's population has surpassed 1.2 billion.
[正] The latest census shows that China's population exceeds 1.2 billion.
注:surpass 和 exceed 譯成中文雖然都是“超過,勝過”的意思,但出現具體數字時要用后者。
22. 我希望你不要拖我的后腿。
[誤] I hope that you won't pull my leg.
[正] I hope that you won't hold me back.
注:pull one's leg 是“愚弄某人,開某人的玩笑”的意思,相當于 make fun of sb.。英語中與“拖后腿”相對應的表達是 hold sb. back 或 be a drag on sb. 等。
23. 學校里,那些長得人高馬大的家伙常來找我的麻煩。
[誤] At school, those big and strong guys always come to find my trouble.
[正] At school, those big and strong guys always come to pick on me.
注:find my trouble 是“發現我的難處”的意思,而英語中“找某人的麻煩”用短語 pick on sb. 它不僅表示“挑剔某人、找某人的碴”,而且還包含 tease(取笑、戲弄)或 bully(威脅、欺侮)的意思。
24. 原來如此。一經你解釋我就明白了。
[誤] So it is. I understand soon after your explanation.
[正] So that's how it is. I understand soon after your explanation.
注:So it is 的意思是“的確如此”,它是用來表示對對方觀點的贊同的。例如:
A: It is a fine day today!
B: So it is.
而在表達恍然大悟時,英文要用 So that's how it is 或 So that explains it, 或更簡單地道的說法 Oh, I see.
25. 我沒料到這個無恥的女人居然同她好友的丈夫調情。
[誤] I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend's husband.
[正] I had not expected that this shameless woman should flirt with her best friend's husband.
注:shameful 通常指某事物是“可恥的,丟臉的”,而 shameless 表示 having or showing no feeling of shame; immodest or impudent,它一般用來指人“不知羞恥的,不要臉的”或“傷風敗俗的”。原文也可譯為:It's shameful that the woman should flirt with her best friend's husband.
26. 我每天都要在網吧里呆上10個小時,是個不折不扣的網蟲。
[誤] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug.
[正] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a netter.
注:“網蟲”要是直譯成 net bug,很容易使人聯想到計算機病毒,如:the millennium bug(“千年蟲”病毒)。所以,英語中與之相應的說法是 netter/nettle。在《劍橋國際英語詞典》里,對 netter/nettle 的解釋是:regular user of Internet, perhaps one who spends too much time in this occupation。nethead 和“網蟲”的意思差不多,它表示“網癡,網迷”;而 netizen 則可以用來指所有的網民,尤其是互聯網的用戶,它是由 net(網絡)和 citizen(公民)組合而成的。還有一個時髦的詞是 netsurfer,即“網上沖浪者”。
27. 東施效顰。
[誤] Doingshi imitates Xishi.
[正] The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse.
注:把原文按照字面意思直譯過來,恐怕只有中國人能夠理解。要想讓外國人明白這個中國成語,就要對譯文進行解釋性加工了。同樣,“情人眼里出西施”不是 Xishi is in the eye of the beholder,而是 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder。
28. 你不好好學習,還想去牛津上大學。這可真是個不切實際的幻想喲!
[誤] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an impractical illusion!
[正] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an illusion!
注:漢語中的修飾語往往用的很多,目的在于加強語氣,但這種表達習慣在翻譯時必須進行處理。illusion 本身就有 impractical 的含義,而英語中在表意已經很明確的情況下是無需重復的。
29. 想讓他答應這樣的要求恐怕不大可能。
[誤] I'm afraid it is impossible for him to agree to such a request.
[正] I'm afreaid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request.
注:impossible 表示“完全不可能”,所以與原文有出入。在英語中,probable 表示的可能性最大,其次是 possible,再次是likely。而常用的句式為 it is probable/possible/likely for sb. to do sth.,或 sb. be likely to do sth.。
30. 一群螞蟻
[誤] a group of ants
[正] a colony of ants
注:表示群體時,group 通常指人或物,而 colony 才指生物群體
31. 她和男朋友吵了一架,冒著大雨跑了出去。
[誤] She quarreled with his boyfriedn and ran out in the big rain.
[正] She quarreled with his boyfriedn and ran out in the heavy rain.
注: 漢語中的“大”可以修飾很多名詞,如“大風”、“大浪”、“濕氣大”等,但在英語里卻不能一一對應。例如,“大雨”就不能譯成 big rain,因為那會被人誤以為是雨點大,而不是雨大。英美人形容雨大習慣用“重”(heavy),heary rain(大雨),heavy clouds(云霧大),heavy moisture(潮氣大)等,這也許是因為他們認為有些事物用重量來衡量比用體積更好吧。
32. 我每天都要在網吧里呆上10個小時,是個不折不扣的網蟲。
[誤] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug.
[正] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a netter.
注:“網蟲”要是直譯成 net bug,很容易使人聯想到計算機病毒,如:the millennium bug(“千年蟲”病毒)。所以,英語中與之相應的說法是 netter/nettle。在《劍橋國際英語詞典》里,對 netter/nettle 的解釋是:regular user of Internet, perhaps one who spends too much time in this occupation。nethead 和“網蟲”的意思差不多,它表示“網癡,網迷”;而 netizen 則可以用來指所有的網民,尤其是互聯網的用戶,它是由 net(網絡)和 citizen(公民)組合而成的。還有一個時髦的詞是 netsurfer,即“網上沖浪者”。
33. 每次考試來臨的時候,約翰就變成了一只夜貓子,但這并不是一個好的學習方法。
[誤] John becomes a night cat every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn.
[正] John becomes a night owl every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn.
注:owl 是“貓頭鷹”的意思,即一種深夜不睡,睜一只眼,閉一只眼,準備隨時捕捉田鼠的動物。英語中用 night owl 來比喻經常熬夜的人,就像我們習慣用“夜貓子”一樣。不論叫你“夜貓子”還是 a night owl,“開夜車”(burn the midnight oil)總是免不了的。
34. 現如今,由于出國深造的人越來越多,“海龜(歸)派”也不像原來那樣吃香了。
[誤] Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the overseas students are not so popular as before.
[正] Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the returnees are not so popular as before.
注:“海龜(歸)派”是指那些在國外留學以后又回來的人,是個非常形象的新名詞。但 overseas student 是指正在國外學習的“留學生”,意思正好相反,所以要換成 returnee。這個詞本身就包含在海外學習過的意思。
35. 在皎潔的月光下,那個花花公子在我耳邊悄悄說著情話。
[誤] The playboy whispered love words to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.
[正] The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.
注: 因為“情書”是 love letter,“情歌”是 love song,所以不少人以為“情話”就應該是 love words,其實并非如此。英語中“情話”常用 lovers'prattle 或 sweet nothings 來表達。prattle 有“孩子話,廢話”的意思,所以 lovers' prattle 指“戀人之間孩子氣的廢話”;sweet nothings 更是一目了然,有“甜蜜而不中用”的意思。
36. 比爾。蓋茨平均每天工作15個小時,他簡直就是一個工作狂。
[誤] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is crazy about his work.
[正] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is a workaholic.
注: crazy 雖然可以作“瘋狂的,狂熱的”講,但 be crazy about/on sth. 的意思卻是“熱衷于…,對…著迷”;be crazy for 也不行,因為它表示“渴望(某物);迷戀(某人)”。可見,它們都與“工作狂”有一定區別。而 workaholic 是從 alcoholic(嗜酒成癖者)派生出來的,表示像酗酒者離不開酒精一樣地離不開工作。現在人們將 -holic 作為一個后綴,表示“對…上癮,嗜好…成癖”,并構成了許多新詞。例如:movie-holic(嗜好電影成癖的人),telehokic(看電視成癖的人)等。
37. 給這們女士來杯威士忌,記在我的賬上。
[誤] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my bill.
[正] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my tab.
注: 我們可以說 Could we have the bill, please? (請給我們賬單好嗎?)或 pay the bill(埋單),但“記在某某的賬上”卻不用bill,而要用 put…on one's tab 表示。tab 是“小紙片”的意思,因為過去小店的生意都是靠住在附近的老主顧,賒賬時有發生,于是老板們通常把每個人的賒賬情況記在各自的小紙片上,也就是 put…on one's tab,以防遺忘。漸漸地,該詞組就成了一種習慣用法。
38. 哈羅得揮金如土,沒有一點積蓄。
[誤] Harold spends money like dirt, and has no savings.
[正] Harold spends money like water, and has no savings.
注:英國是一個島國,離不開水;而我們中國的許多地區深處內陸,人們的生活離不開土地。所以,英語中有許多習語與“水”有關,而漢語卻常常拿“土”作比。這就是為什么同樣是比喻花錢浪費,大手大腳,英語是 spend money like water,而漢語卻是“揮金如土”。此外,英語中還有很多有關船和水的習語,例如:rest on one's oars(暫時歇一歇),keep one's head above water(奮力圖存),be all at sea(不知所措)等等。
39. 這只表的價錢很貴。
[誤] The price of the watch is dear.
[正] The watch is dear. /The price of the watch is high.
注: 以物品為主語時用 dear 或 cheap,以定價為主語時就說 high 或 low.
40. 昨天晚上我們玩得很愉快。
[誤] We played very pleasantly last night.
[正] We enjoyed ourselves very much last night./ We had a good time last night.
注: 玩牌,打球,演戲之類就用 play,漢語這兒說的玩是指度過一個愉快的時候,最好譯成 enjoy oneself 或 have a good time.
41. 嘿,小伙子,千萬別灰心。
[誤] Hey, lad, don't lose your heart.
[正] Hey, lad, don't lose heart.
注: lose one's heart (to sb.) 是“心被…俘虜去,愛上…”的意思,而 lose heart 才表示“灰心喪氣,喪失勇氣或信心”。
42. 歌迷們沖進演員休息室,搶著同凱莉。米納合影。
[誤] The fans rushed into the rest room trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue.
[正] The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue.
注:倫敦西區的特魯街劇院是英國最古老的劇院,據說為了讓演員們長時間處于舞臺強烈燈光照射下的眼睛得到休息,那里的演員休息室被漆成了綠色。后來,greenroom 就逐漸成了“(劇場)演員休息室”的代名詞。而 rest room 可不是這個意義上的“休息室”,它其實是“廁所”的一種委婉說法。
43. 我感到很痛。
[誤] I am painful.
[正] I feel great pain.
注:“我感到高興”是 I am happy,“我感到累了”是 I'm tired,但“我感到很痛”卻不是 I am painful。因為 painful 表示“使人痛苦的,讓人疼痛或討厭的”,它的主語往往不是人,而是事物或人體的某個部位,如:The foot is painful(腳痛),The lessons are painful(教訓是慘痛的)等。所以沒有 I am painful 這個說法,如果你非要這樣說,別人會以為你全身帶電或渾身長刺,別人碰了你就會疼,是你讓別人痛苦,而不是你自己痛苦。
44. 亞洲四小龍。
[誤] the Four Little Dragons of Asia
[正] the Four Little Tigers of Asia
注:在我國古代傳說中,龍是降雨和懲治妖魔鬼怪的神奇動物,是吉祥和力挽狂瀾的象征。很多漢語成語與“龍”有關,如“龍飛鳳舞”、“龍鳳呈祥”、“藏龍臥虎” 等,而且多為褒義詞。但如果把“四小龍”直譯成英文卻不行,因為西方人對“龍”的聯想和看法與中國人完全不同。“龍”(dragon)在西方是貶義詞,是邪惡的免征,西方人不會理解為什么要把亞洲經濟的四個強國說成“四個小魔鬼”,所以要用 tiger 進行替換。在西方人眼里,tiger “是朝氣蓬勃、堅忍不拔、努力奮斗、充滿希望”的免征,所以用 tiger 才能準確表達原文的意思。
45. 百里挑一。
[誤] one in a hundred
[正] one in a thousand
注: “百里挑一”常被用來形容“很特別,很出眾”或“與眾不同”,one in a thousand 也有相同的含義。但值得注意的是,漢語用“百”,而英語則以十倍于百的 thousand 來夸張。同樣,漢語的“十分感謝”或“萬分感謝”,英語則說 a thousand thanks(千分感謝)或 thanks a million times(百萬次的感謝)。可見,英語比漢語要夸張。這也許反映了兩個民族不同的思維方式:中國人崇尚中庸之道,凡事避免走極端,即使夸大其詞也不太過火;而英美人追求標新立異和充分考慮表現自我,這在語言中自然也有體現。
46. 周末許多人睡得很晚。
[誤] Many people sleep late at weekends.
[正] Many people go to bed very late at weekends.
注: 第一句譯文錯在沒弄懂 sleep 的真正含義。英語動詞有短暫動詞和持續動詞之分,它們分別表示短暫動作和持續的動作或狀態。sleep 是典型的持續動詞,表示“在睡覺”。而漢語的“睡”既可表示“上床睡覺”的短暫動作,如:我昨天11點才睡;也可以表示“在睡覺”的持續動作和狀態,如:他睡了整整10個小時。原文屬于前一種情況,即表示“上床睡覺”的短暫動作,故應該使用 go to bed。
47. 干杯!要一飲而盡。
[誤] ---Cheers! Bottom up.
[正] ---Cheers! Bottoms up.
注: bottoms up 雖然只比 bottom up 多一個 s,但是兩個詞組的意思卻相差十萬八千里。bottoms up 里的 bottom 是指“(酒杯的)底部”,那么杯朝天就是“一飲而盡”的意思,而且因為干杯時肯定不止一人一飲而盡,所以要用復數;而 bottom up 表示“屁股朝天”。
48. 這個任務很危險,但總得有人去冒險。
[誤] The task is really dangerous. But someone has to take the adventure.
[正] The task is really dangerous. But someone has to bell the cat.
注: adventure 指軍事歷險、探險旅行等驚險活動或投機活動。而 bell the cat 源自一個故事:一窩老鼠想在貓脖子上套一個鈴鐺,這樣貓一來他們就會聽到,并及時逃命。但主意雖好,卻苦于沒人去套這個鈴鐺(bell the cat)。后來,bell the cat 被人們反復引用,表示“為大家的事去承擔風險”,并成了表示原文意思最貼切的英語習語。
49. 一輛白色轎車前來接新郎新娘去教堂。
[誤] A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church.
[正] A white car turned up to take the bride and the groom to the church.
注:漢英兩種語言均有各自固定的詞序,因此,在翻譯時要根據各自的語言習慣進行適當的調整,此處就是一個很好的例子。之所以將新娘放在前面,也許是西方文化中 “女士優先”的又一體現吧!又如:“衣食住行”譯成英語是 food, clothing, shelter and transportation; 同樣,“左顧右盼”翻譯成 look right and left。
50. 你去弄些水來。
[誤] Go and bring some water.
[正] Go and fetch some water.
注: bring 雖然表示“帶來”,但它是讓某人在來的時候將某物帶來(但說話時人還沒來);而 fetch 則是讓身邊的某人“去取某物”,它包括往返的兩段路程。