[摘要] 2015考研英語復習之萬能好句,考研英語一作文一般以漫畫為主,對于2015年的廣大考研學子而言,漫畫作文仍然是復習的重點。2015年的考生在平時復習備考中一定要關注相關的話題,以儲備材料,做到心中有數!

對于英語一大作文的寫作, 大作文一般有3個段落組成,第一段:描圖,第二段:對圖畫所反映的現象進行解釋,第三段:個人就此發表看法或提出觀點?,F在距離2015年考研越來越近,在這個非常重要而緊迫的時期,筆者總結了一個萬能的作文模板,任何的寫作類型都可以運用這個格式進行套用。
第一段:what a vivid cartoon it proves to be! The underlying meaning embodied in it can not be underrated, in that the cartoon reflects a not uncommon social issue, from which we can clearly observe that…(描圖:對圖畫的內容進行具體的描述)
第二段:it is a universally-held view that the above-mentioned cartoon a deeply illustrates a social issue which is catching more and more attention from the general public currently. And then, What prove to be the reasons leading to it? admittedly, 3 reasons stated as follows can be taken be accountable for it. First and foremost,(闡釋具體的現象或原因)more importantly, (闡釋具體的現象或原因),last but not the least.(闡述具體的現象或原因)
第三段:according to my personal perspective, some strong and effective measures should be implemented to put an end to this issue,(如果是不好的社會現象就用這句話),(some effective measures should be implemented to be in support of it(如果是好的現象就用這句話))。On the one hand, organs concerned should do their best to make rigorous laws and regulations, on the other hand, the society as a whole should enhance their public awareness, only by taking these measures can we have it resolved completely.