


[摘要] 考研英語作文部分是英語的重點,也是能夠提分的一大題型,考生一定要把握好爭取高分。近幾年畫圖作文成為考研英語寫作的主題,要想寫好畫圖作文就一定要避免自己作死,下面為大家盤點三大“作死”型寫作,希望大家能夠引以為戒。

  1) 不會寫描述“暴死”
  2) 主題不明朗“猝死”
  3) 語言搭配不合理、語法錯誤多,“小刀割死”
  1) 如果人多,就動作神態,物體帶著寫,能寫則寫,不會寫別去送死,比如2009年的那次“網絡”,既然不會寫外面的那個蜘蛛網,就從屋里的人物寫,干嗎那么實誠?The picture above depicts many youngsters, who are sitting in the rooms of their own. Some of them are staring at their computer screens, whereas the others are playing video games or chatting with their friends. Obviously, all of them seem greatly interested in the cyber world around. (那個蜘蛛網明明是障眼法,能寫則寫,不能寫就換個角度。)2) 如果人少,咱就動作、神態,加個心理分析,無非是悲觀、樂觀、(形容詞別is/are/變成becomeincreasingly…, full of…/seem to/be…/appear…/look…)一些物體詞匯能寫則寫,不寫放棄。2008年那年的考題,不會寫拐杖怎么辦:The picture above depictstwo youngsters, who are standing shoulder to shoulder. Hand in hand, they are movingsteadily forward along a path. However, neither of them seems to be depressed and anxious. Rather, both of them become increasingly self-confident and cheerful, even though they each have only one leg.(注意這里的幾個處理方法:1)考生其實不會寫拐杖,不要硬寫,因為那樣基本就“死菜”了。有考生考上后跟我說:“我本來就不會寫拐杖,那么何必想這個詞怎么寫呢?還不如大膽猜想這兩個人的情緒。2)不會寫殘疾人,就寫心情。沒看見什么disabled, handicapped這類的所謂大詞,但是考官基本上能看懂,不會給你滿分,但是也不會給你低分。)3) 如果是物體動物為中心,那可能得寫象征點主題:至少得留一個主動用法、一個被動用法備用,如stand for, can be regarded as a symbol as,用這幾個詞點主題就行了。如果根本沒有主題歸納的意識,這種文章的描述就會寫得比較少,因為內容本身沒有什么可描述的,用象征直接點中心思想就可以,不要”糾纏“。

 The picture highlight a focal social point, that is, friendship and communication is indispensable.(錯誤1)To begin with, it is not onlybeneficial for advance of a nation, but also essential for development of aperson. (錯誤2)What is more, it (錯誤3)can teach people treat others with sympathy, sincerity and love. Still, it can help people obtain more opportunities in the competition and achieve themselves in the prospective career. Last but not the least, it will certainly exert positive influence on sustainable development of society.

  點評:雖然考生在上述段落中用了一些難詞,比如indispensable,essential, sympathy, sincerity, 但是得分仍然不高。從語法單詞的角度看,這篇文章的錯誤似乎并不多,但是文章將主題句寫成了friendship and communication is indispensable,可是2008年文章主題是“合作”,考官閱讀時肯定會有一種文不對題的感覺。這篇文章告訴我們,如果考生在沒有看懂題目的情況下就開始寫作,即使寫了象indispensable這樣的“大詞”,語法結構也沒有錯誤,只要是文不對題,考官仍然會毫不客氣地給出低分。因為看不到合作(或者那么是合作的近義詞)考官就會立刻失去耐性,認為你根本就沒看懂題目,他“失性”、你“猝死”。
  建議:這個考生的寫作基礎其實并不弱,背得也不錯,但是他拿到文章之后,沒有通過題目中的文字暗示判定寫作主題,而是很隨意地按照自己的想法,而不是文章的主題詞寫作。其實這個同學只要明確文章的主題“合作”,然后把句子重新組織一下就可以了,具體寫法如下:The primary purposeof this picture is to show(套話要少寫)that a growing number of people have come to realize that cooperation is not only necessary, but also indispensable for one's career.(首句用“重要性”的句子點題,) As aresult, they increasingly stress the fundamental role of cooperation in their career(延伸句1) By doing so, they can improve working skills necessary for their prospective career, gradually fitting into a competitive society and carving their career. (延伸句2) Still, cooperation enhances mutual understanding between people, thus providing them with mental comfort as well as spiritual back-up.(延伸句3)To sum up, intoday's world, nothing is more important than cooperation (尾句要和主題呼應,可以換寫和“重要性”有關的句子,做到首尾呼應,中間展開。)3. 寫作錯誤太多的“小刀割死”型:這部分考生一般都能看出文章的主題詞,但是通常把主題詞寫在段落的結尾、2)喜歡只寫一些和主題無關的背景類型信息。這樣的框架處理方法,就使文章的主題詞和其相關的內容相割裂,遲遲不能和主題掛接,越不會寫吧,越寫、可是越寫吧、越不會寫。逐漸進入“原創”后,語法錯誤無數、拼寫錯誤無數。考官沒讀兩行,就產生一種“跳躍”感,感覺這個考生總是前言不答后語,句子之間不能相輔相成。
  China has rapidly developing in recent years. According to the economic datas by the government, our country has changed stronger than before. So with it followed there area phenomenon called “China hot” in many other countries. that is, foreigners are popular with tralve to China, wearing traditional Chinese costume, eating Chinese diet, even learning Chinese and Beijing Opera. However,is that the picture tell us? Certainly not. The American girl is not onlywearing a traditional Chinese costume but expressing Chinese traditionalcultural sign. furthermore, this picture above does convey a truth that the national culture is international culture, and that is easily to understand.
  這個段落的首句為China has rapidly developing in recent years. 可以說,當這位考生寫了這句話的時候,離低分也就不太遠了。也許你覺得我說的有點“危言聳聽”,但是這篇文章在闡述段的開頭位置寫“中國發展快”,這本身就遠遠地脫離了文章寫作的中心。這樣這個段落就成了證明“中國經濟發展快”,而不是“民族文化、世界文化”了。這篇文章最為致命的一個問題就是:二段用引言句開篇(“中國經濟發展快”是個被廣大考生寫“爛”了的引言句,這樣三句話寫完了都沒有出現文章主題詞。
  建議1:建議考生將主題詞前置到二段段首,用“重要要重視”的寫法開篇,然后用先熟悉萬能意思框架,然后選擇最明確簡單的關聯詞即可,注意以下的文章寫法:on the one hand, on the other hand, by doing so, 這樣的連詞形成中間段引申的粘結,盡量多寫和文化交流有關的句子。然后用“這種做法會造成積極/消極影響”的寫法結尾。 The primary purpose of this picture is that cultural exchanges are not only necessary, but also indispensable, so we are supposed to emphasize their role in a country. One the one hand, they will invariably enhance friendly ties between countries and improve their mutual understanding between peoples. Onthe other hand, they can promote communication between people in these countries and remove the barrier between them. In the long run, the cultural exchanges willexert positive effects on the sustainable development of world civilization.(結尾句中的sustainable development雖然有些老套,但是如果主題詞前置,延伸句層次清晰,并不很明顯,反而和exert positive effects相組合,形成了合理的結論。)結語:
  1) 簡化段落層次,少套話。
  2) 第一段描述和第二段闡述的延伸部分要具體些。
  3) 盡量減少拼寫和語法錯誤。第三點其實反而不重要,因為語法拼寫的錯誤多只是表象,根源在于考生的搭配不合理,表述不流暢。隨著框架結構的簡化、以及對常用說法的歸納整理、加上反復練習,相當一部分的拼寫和語法錯誤也就慢慢消失了。


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