[摘要] 炎炎夏日,熱浪滾滾,如果這時給你送上一杯冰鎮奶昔或水果冰沙,怎一個 “爽”字了得。想要變身“冷飲達人”,享受清涼一夏?這里,我們為你傳授幾款最IN夏日冷飲的制作秘籍。
Top summer refreshments
導讀:炎炎夏日,熱浪滾滾,如果這時給你送上一杯冰鎮奶昔或水果冰沙,怎一個 “爽”字了得。想要變身“冷飲達人”,享受清涼一夏?這里,我們為你傳授幾款最IN夏日冷飲的制作秘籍。
The weather's getting hot, so more often than not, you will probably want something cold to drink. But when you go to a coffee shop or a juice bar, especially when you're traveling abroad, are you sure you understand what's on the menu?
For example, what's the difference between a shake and a smoothie? If you're unsure, read on and get familiar with beverages that may easily confuse you.
A milkshake, or simply a shake, is a sweet, cold dairy-based drink usually made with ice cream, milk or both. Outside the US, the drink is also called a thickshake, thick milkshake, or frappe.
奶昔(英文中又簡稱為shake),是一種香甜冰爽的奶制飲品,其原料通常為冰淇淋或牛奶,有時兩者兼備。在美國以外的地區,奶昔還被稱為thickshake、thick milkshake或frappe。
The traditional way of making a milkshake is to mix scoops of ice cream and milk in a blender or drink mixer. Now, there are automatic milkshake machines that freeze and serve a premade milkshake mixture consisting of milk, sweetened flavoring and thickening agents. Milkshakes come in a variety of flavors, including vanilla, strawberry, chocolate and banana.
A smoothie is typically a blended beverage made with fruit – frozen fruit, fruit juice, fresh fruit, any kind of fruit. It's not a dairy mixture, but a fruit party. That's why, normally, it's known as a fruit smoothie. Besides fruit, a smoothie can include crushed ice, honey and syrup.
冰沙是一種極具代表性的混合果飲——原料多為冷凍水果、果汁、新鮮水果,或者任何一種水果。它并非混合乳制品,而是一個“鮮果派對”,這正是 “水果冰沙”這一名字的由來。除水果以外,水果冰沙的原料還包括冰沙、蜂蜜以及糖漿。
Smoothies are often preferred by health-conscious people for their high dietary fiber, vitamins andantioxidants. And since they have a milkshake-like consistency but are low in calories and fat, they are also called “health shakes”。
A slush, also known as a slushy, is a flavored, frozen drink made by freezing non-carbonated juice, or other liquids such as coffee or alcohol. The major difference between a slush and a smoothie is that the main ingredients of the former are sugar and water, while in the latter it's fruit.
A slush has a soft, wet slurry texture, thanks to the slush machine, which stirs the mixture at a constant speed. This way, the sugar and water molecules bond together before the water can freeze.
A Frappuccino is a trademarked type of frozen coffee beverage sold by Starbucks. It consists of coffee or other base ingredients, such as strawberries and cream, blended with ice and other ingredients, and usually topped with whipped cream. Now, many coffee makers add various additional ingredients. But this type of drink, with coffee, ice and whipped cream, is commonly known as a Frappuccino.
A float, or ice cream soda, is a beverage that consists of ice cream in a soft drink. It also has other names such as coke float, snowball or spider. Float flavors vary depending on the soda variety and the ice cream flavor, but the most popular ones are chocolate ice cream with carbonated water, and root beer or coke with vanilla ice cream.
冰淇淋蘇打(英文也被稱為ice cream soda)是一款冰淇淋加軟飲的飲料,英文中,還被稱為coke float(可樂浮冰)、snowball(雪球)或spider(譯者注:澳大利亞口語中意為:冰淇淋蘇打)。它的口味因汽水和冰淇淋口味的不同而變化無窮,其中人氣最高的幾款組合要數巧克力冰淇淋加蘇打水,香草冰淇淋配沙士或可樂。