It’s only two hours to the start of the street dance competition. And the sponsor has put Tian Lin on the spot again.
Tian, the organizer of the campus event, needs to find students to dress up as the sponsor’s brand mascots. But who’s prepared to sweat in heavy costumes and bounce around like fools?
The sponsor threatened not to pay up. To keep them happy, Tian has already introduced a game which is irrelevant to the dance competition. The sponsor wants the master of ceremonies to invite members of the audience to see who can swallow a cup of yoghurt quickest.
But trying to keep your sponsors happy has its limits. Tian, 20, refused. “I don’t want to make the competition a complete joke. It’s a student activity, not a promotion event for the sponsor,” said Tian from Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Many student organizers complain that sponsors’ demands make campus events too commercial. But meeting these demands seems to be the only way for students to get enough money to stage a professional show.
This requires a big venue, posters, a spectacular stage, first-class PA, and celebrity guest performers. To cover these expenses, student organizers need tens of thousands of yuan for a single event. To attract more sponsors they are forced to commercialize campus events.
But this is unwelcome on campus. Students, for example, strongly dislike the “Jeanswest Building”。 This is a teaching block at Qinghua University which was renamed after the university received a donation from the apparel chain store Jeanswest. Students claim that the name has made the building a huge outdoor billboard.
Lu Shuai is an instructor of student activities at Sun Yat-sen University. She warned student organizers that superficial factors, such as the size of posters and the number of stage lights, are not important.
“Students are attracted by a campus event because of its creative, interesting content,” said Lu. “Few will cheer for a shallow, dull event, even if it has a gorgeous stage.”
Cui Zhaoqian, 20, a journalism student at Zhengzhou University, expected fun challenges such as pop quiz and impromptu drama in her school’s talent show. But while the stage looked fancy, Cui was bored by clichéd singing and dancing shows.
By contrast, a campus quiz with little sponsorship and publicity has been a magnet for Cui and her schoolmates for six years. Cui revealed the secret of its charm: “The organizers always design interactive, fun games to make heavy topics enjoyable.”
However, to bring their ideas to life, students cannot avoid involving sponsors. Most colleges are unable to fund every event on campus. Gao Xing, 24, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, organized dozens of successful galas when he was at college. He advised students to dare to say no.
“Tell sponsors that students dislike overly-commercialized campus events, that they will thus fail to promote their brands to students and waste their money,” said Gao. “They will certainly have second thoughts about their requirements.”