[摘要] 美國第一夫人米歇爾?奧巴馬于3月20日-26日訪華。屆時,她將與國家主席習(xí)近平的夫人彭麗媛會面。除了同樣擁有“第一夫人”的頭銜,她們非凡的著裝品位也同樣為人津津樂道。下面讓我們來回顧一下兩位第一夫人的魅力時刻吧!
Invited by China`s First Lady Peng Liyuan, US First Lady Michelle Obama is visiting China with her daughters this week. The two ladies will definitely attract attention in terms of fashion. Peng turned the world onto Chinese designer Ma Ke and the label Exception de Mixmind, while Mrs. Obama has made famous the American designer Jason Wu, along with Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren. Before their styles meet, let us review some of the attractive moments the two First Ladies have had under the public eye. 應(yīng)中國國家主席習(xí)近平的夫人彭麗媛女士之邀,美國第一夫人米歇爾·奧巴馬將攜兩個女兒于本周開啟訪華之旅。毫無疑問,兩位女士的時尚穿著將會引起各界關(guān)注。彭麗媛將中國設(shè)計師馬可和其打造的服裝品牌“例外”推向了世界舞臺,而奧巴馬夫人則讓美國設(shè)計師Jason Wu、Michael Kors以及Ralph Lauren名聲大噪。在她們展開真正的“時尚交鋒”之前,讓我們先來回顧一下這兩位第一夫人在公眾視線下的迷人時刻吧! First Strike 第一回合 Michelle Obama wore a Thom Browne design to the US Presidential Inauguration. The Fist Lady arrived at St. John`s Church in Washington DC, wearing a checked-pattern overcoat. Her dark pink gloves were also highlights of her outfit. 米歇爾·奧巴馬身穿Thom Browne品牌服飾亮相美國總統(tǒng)就職典禮。這位第一夫人身著格紋大衣出現(xiàn)在華盛頓圣約翰教堂,玫紅色的手套也成為她這身裝扮的一大亮點。 Peng, who accompanied her husband President Xi Jingping on his first state visit to Russia, wore a navy blue coat from designer Ma Ke. Her overcoat, together with the square black handbag, was very elegant. Her look`s highlight was in her light-blue scarf, adding a light style to her classic look. 彭麗媛身穿設(shè)計師馬可打造的藏青色外套,陪同習(xí)近平主席對俄羅斯進行首次國事訪問。這身外套配上方形的黑色手袋令她本人看上去格外優(yōu)雅。淺藍色的絲巾無疑是整個造型的亮點,給她這身經(jīng)典搭配增添了一抹淡雅之感。 Layers 層次搭配 Peng Liyuan used different shades of blue to create a flowing style, such as a long dark blue shirt matching a light blue skirt. The best part was her thin leather belt, in milky white, which added something fresh to her total look. Michelle Obama, on the other hand, used a cape-like shirt to match a cherry one-piece long dress. Her belt featured a few metallic touches, which went well with her ring. 彭麗媛用不同層次的藍色營造出一種行云流水的風(fēng)格,例如用深藍色長款襯衫搭配淺藍色裙子。乳白色細腰帶是這身造型的最大亮點,為整個搭配增添了一點清新感。米歇爾·奧巴馬則用斗篷式外套搭配櫻桃紅色的連衣裙。她的腰帶展現(xiàn)出一些金屬質(zhì)感,和所佩戴的戒指相映成彰。