[摘要] 準備參加2015考研的同學有沒有為英語作文而苦惱呢?其實英語寫作和漢語寫作一樣,不但要有很好地文章結構,還要積累大量的詞匯,腦袋里有東西,寫作時才有東西寫,下面為大家整理了180句英語寫作萬能句,背誦這些對你的寫作一定大有幫助。
121. on the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years.
122. students attend a boarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents.
離開父母上寄宿學校的學生將會培養他們的獨立性123. whats more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work.
124. on the other hand, the contribution of day schools cant be ignored.
125. due to high tuition fee, most of ordinary families cannot afford to send their children to boarding schools.
126. since it is unnecessary to consider students routinelife, day school can lay stress on teaching instead of other aspects, such as management of dormitory and cafeteria.
127. furthermore, students living in their own home would have access to a comfortable life and have more opportunities to communicate with their parents, which have beneficial impact on development of their personal character.
128. from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that both of day schools and boarding schools are important to train young students for our society.
129. there is much discussion over science and technology. one of the questions under debate is whether traditional technology and methods are bound to die out when a country begins to develop modern science and technology.
130. as for me, the declining of traditional technology and methods is not a bad thing; it is the natural result of progress of society.
131. in the first place, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of modern technology science.
132. although modern science and technology have proved that such methods are absurd, there are still millions of people use such methods in many remote places nowadays.
133. in the second place, many values of traditional technology are out of date and should be replaced by modern science.
134. although many people tend to live under the illusion that traditional technology and methods are still playing extremely important role in peoples life, an increasingevidences show that it is less useful than many people think.
135. from what has been discussed above, i firmly believe that time will prove that traditional technology and methods would die out with the development of modern science and technology. the maintenance of the traditionaltechnology and methods is futile.
136. at the time when technology means ever more harmful carbon in the air we breathe, we need these forests now more than ever.
137. nothing is more important than to receive education.
138. we cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.
139. there is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.
140. it is universally acknowledged that trees areindispensable to us.
141. there is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.
142. an advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create any pollution.
143. the reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.
144. so precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.
145. rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.
146. the harder you work, the more progress you make.
147. the more books we read, the more learned we become.
148. to average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that english often means a good opportunity for ones career, is this really the case?
149. by taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.
150. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.
151. on no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.
152. it is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.
153. those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.
154. there is no one but longs to go to college.
155. since the examination is around the corner, i am compelled to give up doing sports.
156. it is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.
157. summer is sultry. thats the reason why i dont like it.
158. the progress of the society is based on harmony.
159. we should bring home to people the value of working hard.
160. taking exercise is closely related to health.
161. we should get into the habit of keeping good hours.
162. the condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.
163. smoking has a great influence on our health.
164. reading does good to our mind.
165. overwork does harm to health.
166. pollution poses a great threat to our existence.
167. we should do our best to achieve our goal in life.
168. weather a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.
169. as is known to all, fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers.
170. today an increasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance. in order to keep law and order, every one of us is supposed to get a law education.
現在,愈來愈多的人認識到法制教育的重要性。為了維護社會治安 ,我們每人都應該接受法制教育。
171. from what i have mentioned above, we can see clearly that violence on tv has great influence on youngsters behavior.
172. there are two reasons for the improvement in peoples living conditions. in the first place, we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy. secondly, there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy. furthermore, the birth rate has been put under control.
173. my suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. to begin with, it is urgent to create nature reserves. secondly, certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced artificially. finally, those who hunter them must be punished severely.
174. people differ in their attitudes towards failure. faced with it, some of them can stand up to it, draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. others, however, lose heart and give in.
175. it is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centers, recreation centers, cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people.
176. as a popular saying goes, "everything has two sides." now the public are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions. on the other hand, the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble. people in many countries are suffering from public hazards.
常言道:事情總是一分為二的。如今人們從科技發明中得到越來越多的好處。另一方面,科技進步也給我們帶來了許多麻煩。現在許多國家 的人民飽受公害之苦。
177. lets take cars for example. they not only pollute the air in cities, but make them crowded. furthermore, they are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents. the noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night.
178. it is generally believed that the chief reason for the increase in population in developed countries is not so much the rise in birth rates as the decline in death rates as a result of the improvement in medical care.
179. there is no doubt that the increase in demand caused the rise in prices.
180. additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.